Advancing high impact policy solutions to save lives and promote health
Every 10 second a life is gone due to alcohol use
108 million alcohol related DALYs globally
Up to 10% of GDP spent on alcohol harm

Harm to children and families

Our vision is a world where people can live healthy lives and actively shape their environments free from harm caused by alcohol.

1. Advocacy for effective high impact policy solutions
The World Health Organization has identified alcohol taxation as one of the best-buy alcohol policy solutions that effectively reduce alcohol related harm.

2. Mobilisation of political will to introduce and enforce legislation
Through our advocacy work we aim to facilitate an introduction of public health oriented alcohol taxation that would reduce total alcohol consumption and with it alcohol related harm.

3. Millions of lives saved and domestic resources mobilised
When alcohol taxation is public health oriented and well implemented it brings a triple win: 1. Achieves public health 2. Raises domestic resources 3. Enhances equity and reduces negative social externalities

A 20% increase in the price of alcohol through taxation could accumulate as much as 9 trillion US$Â and would avert 9 million premature deaths globally.
Reduced alcohol related harm
Improved health outcomes
Mobilised domestic resources
Reduced negative societal externalities
Center for Alcohol Policy Solutions, a DBA of Charity Entrepreneurship, is a Canadian non-profit corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178), a Maryland charitable trust with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Center for Alcohol Policy Solutions, a DBA of Charity Entrepreneurship, are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law